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Born and raised in Beijing, China, Anna Wang received her BA from Peking University and is a full-time writer. She has published nine books in Chinese. These include two short story collections, one essay collection, four novels, and two translations. Her 2019 memoir, Inconvenient Memories, won an Independent Press Award in the category of "Cultural and Social Issues." Her articles appeared in Newsweek, Vancouver Sun, Ms. Magazine, LA Review of Books China Channel, Ricepaper Magazine, among others.

王芫,生于北京,毕业于北京大学中文系,曾任北京作协签约作家,2006年移民加拿大。出版有长篇小说《什么都有代价》、《幸存者》,中短篇小说集《路线图》、《口红》,散文集《你自己的真理》等。翻译爱丽丝•门罗作品《岩石堡风景》。2019年出版的英文自传体小说《不合时宜的回忆》获得2020美国独立出版奖。《财新周刊》文化专栏作者。曾在Newsweek, Vancouver Sun, Ms. Magazine等报刊发表英文文章。

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